Wei Fu                                                                    

My work is in applied econometrics, health economics, and labor economics. Specifically, my research aims to assess the effects of public policies, such as unemployment insurance, food stamp programs, and vaccination policies, on individual's health behavior and labor market outcomes, with a substantive focus on disadvantaged populations.

You can also find me on google scholar.

Recent Revise-and-Resubmits

 "The Devastating Dance between Opioid and Housing Crises: Evidence from OxyContin Reformulation." with Ashley Bradford, Shijun You. 2023. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4644748. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Health Economics. 

From Syringes to Dishes: Improving Food Security through Vaccination.” with Erkmen G. Aslim, Erdal Tekin, and Shijun You. 2023. Reject-and-Resubmit at the Journal of Public Economics. [NBER Working Paper No. 31045, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16009]

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Economics Journals

State Vaccination Policies, Delayed Care, and Health Expenditures.” with Erkmen G. Aslim, Chia-Lun Liu, and Erdal Tekin. 2024. The Economic Journal forthcoming. [NBER Working Paper No. 30139. Thread, Podcast Episode]. 

A Single Dose For Me, A Wealth of Protection For Us: The Public Health Cost of Individualism in the Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccine.” with Shin-Yi Chou, and Li-San Wang. 2024, Social Science & Medicine, accepted. [Published version]

Migration Control Policy and Parent-Child Separation among Migrant Families: Evidence from China. with Yuanyuan Chen. 2023. Journal of Population Economics. [Published version]

Unemployment Benefits, Food Insecurity, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Spending. with Chen Huang and Feng Liu. 2023. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. [Published version]

Unemployment Insurance and Cigarette Smoking.” with Feng Liu. 2019. Journal of Health Economics. [Published version] 

Medical Journals

The Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease through Multi-Trait Genetic Modeling. with Shin-Yi Chou, Li-San Wang, Jung-Ying Tzeng, Wan-Ping Lee, Kaylyn Clark, Chia-Lun Liu, and Pei-Chuan Ho. 2023. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Co-first author. [Published version]

Mental Distress Among Female Individuals of Reproductive Age and Reported Barriers to Legal Abortion Following the US Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v Wade.with Dhaval Dave, and Muzhe Yang. 2023. JAMA Network Open. [Published version, Media: Salon, Healio]

Alzheimer’s Disease Variant Portal (ADVP): A Catalog of Genetic Findings for Alzheimer’s Disease.with Pavel P. Kuksa, Chia-Lun Liu, Liming Qu, Yi Zhao, Zivadin Katanic, Amanda B Kuzma, Pei-Chuan Ho, Kai-Teh Tzeng, Otto Valladares, Shin-Yi Chou, Adam C Naj, Gerard D Schellenberg, Yuk Yee Leung, and Li-San Wang. 2022. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Co-first author. [Published version, MedRxiv, ADVP Catalog, BlogPost]

Reconcile the Debate Over Protective Effects of BCG Vaccine against COVID-19.with Pei-Chuan Ho, Chia-Lun Liu, Kai-Teh Tzeng, Nawar Nayeem, Jonni S. Moore, Li-San Wang, and Shin-Yi Chou. 2021. Scientific Reports. First author. [Published version]

Working Papers

"Proximity to Abortion Services and Child Maltreatment." with Aslim Erkmen, Erdal Tekin. 2024. Draft coming soon.

NIH Grant Expansion, Ancestral Diversity and Scientific Discovery in Genomics Research.” with Shin-Yi Chou, and Li-San Wang. 2022. NBER Working Paper No. 30155. [Presentation Slides, Manuscript Version September 2022, Appendix A]

“The Interplay of Extraversion Genes and Childhood Environment in Occupational Sorting.” with Shin-Yi Chou, Li-San Wang, Chia-Lun Liu, and Pei-Chuan Ho. 2022

Culture, Policy Obedience, and Virus Spread: Evidence from The Anti-COVID Efforts in The United States.” with Cheng Chen, Ying-Min Kuo, and Yuanting Wu. 2022

Technology Development, Labor Migration and Family Integration: Evidence from China’s High-Speed Railway Development.” with Hui Cao and Shin-Yi Chou. 2018.

NIH Grant Expansion and Scientific Discovery.” with Shin-Yi Chou, and Li-San Wang. 2023. 

Sharing Benefits Not Risks? Estimating Household Sharing Behaviors Using Two Quasi-Natural Experiments in China.” with Shin-Yi Chou and Cheng Chen

Other Publications in Peer-Reviewed Chinese Journals

Migration Control Policy in Megalopolis, School Enrollment Requirement and Children Left-behind.” (特大城市人口调控政策、入学门槛与儿童留守). with Yuanyuan Chen. 2023. China Economic Quarterly (经济学(季刊)).

Land Transfer Right, Rural-to-Urban Migration and Agricultural Production.” (土地承包经营权流转、劳动力流动与农业生产). with Yuanyuan Chen. 2017. Management World (管理世界).
Award: The Shanghai 14th Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Academic Achievement Award, 2nd Prize (with Yuanyuan Chen), Shanghai, 2018.

Purchased by Government or Provided by Family? Estimating the Substitution Effects of Informal Care.” (政府购买还是家庭照料? 基于家庭照料替代效应的实证分析).with Feng Huang. 2017. Nankai Economic Studies (南开经济研究). 

Ecological Footprint Analysis of the China’s International Trade.” (中国进出口贸易内涵自然资本的生态足迹分析) with Zhaohua Li2013. China Industrial Economics (中国工业经济).